Washington State’s SAGE Project

(Science Assessment Grounded in Equity)

Using Assessments to Improve Teaching and Learning:

Tools to support practices for implementing assessments and looking at learner artifacts in ways that attend to equity.

Performance Expectation Trackers

A tool for tracking how knowledge is built incrementally, what assessment opportunities are available, and what equity principles are present within a unit.

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The Performance Trackers emerged as a tool to fulfill these needs: 1) to better understand the unit’s assessment opportunities, 2) to identify where additional assessments were needed and 3) to understand how elements of the targeted PEs were (or were not) used by learners in the unit. Read the PE Tracker Overview to learn more about how to use these tools and how they were developed.

Field Test Version

Field Test Version

Field Test Version

Transfer Task Routine

A caring way to set students up for success in completing transfer tasks.

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Goals related to the SAGE project included attending to learners’ social emotional learning needs. This required that we think beyond the assessment tasks themselves and also consider the environment in which assessments take place and provide guidance for supporting a caring culture.

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Professional Learning Resources and Tools

Tending to Learner Artifacts Workbook
A workbook that guides teams through a process of looking at student work from an asset-based orientation.

Tending to Learner Artifacts PL Module (pilot version)
A three-part professional learning series to support looking at student work from an asset-based orientation.

How to Tend to 3D Student Work
See how an asset-orientation allows us to see how to support learners better.

Appraising Learner Artifacts PL Module (pilot version)
A professional learning session to support equitable grading practices.

What Roles do Feedback and Grading Play in Equitable 3D Science Classrooms?
See examples of how our feedback and grading practices have shifted.

Portfolio Examples
Samples of middle- and high-school approaches to portfolio-based assessment with OpenSciEd.